April 8 2020

Updated 12th June 2020

These unprecedented times of restriction and isolation have brought you the moment you have all been waiting for ….  Matt and Sam in video form!!! The unfortunate temporary closure of our Strength & Stability classes has forced the boys out in front of the camera to film a series of videos to keep you motivated and moving while you can’t exercise with us.

We hope you get a few tips, and potentially a few laughs out of them. If you have any feedback or would like to see the guys feature particular exercises in upcoming videos, send us a message on social media or email or ring the clinic. Happy viewing!

Instructional Introduction

This video is an overview of the series of videos to come. On reflection, perhaps Sam says “challenging” a couple too many times. Live videoing can be …. challenging …

Upper Body Warm Up

There are a number of benefits to warming up before exercise. This little collection of 4-5 exercises can help loosen your upper body up as a way of keeping mobile to relieve postural aches and pains as well as get you prepared for a home workout! Give them a go each day and see if they help you move a little easier.

Lower Body Warm Up

We couldn’t do an upper body warm up without concentrating a video on the lower body too! Matt showing us again his expertise in tying in some mobility, balance and strength to warm you up and keep you mobile. Happy moving!


This time we are Bridging! A bridge is a great way to get from one side of a river to another ….. It’s also an excellent EXERCISE to loosen up and strengthen your hips, gluts and lower back. Check out Sam in his active wear and see if you can work through these progressions! Happy Moving!!!

Dumbbell Strength

So that you can shoulder the burden of the current situation we are in, we thought it was time for some upper body strength! Keeping strong in your upper limbs is essential for being able to function pain free. Spare a couple of minutes each day to keep you feeling strong and moving well. See you next week for another installment …

Arm Weights – AGAIN!

Matt has been at it again with a few more exercises using some dumbbell weights to keep you strong. Enjoy!

Dead Bugs

Keeping your abdominals strong is important for being able to do a multitude of things. Simple exercises such as Dead Bugs are a good way to build your abdominal strength and control. Check out Sam in his active wear going through a few progressions of this exercise for you to incorporate into your daily routine. Happy Moving!!

Hip Mobility

With all the sitting that we are doing at our home offices, we can all get quite stiff in our hips. Prolonged postures for work, socialising (on Zoom or elsewhere …) can have your hips in a flexed position for long periods and then predispose you to overloading other structures when you move including your lower back and knees. Matt has been at it again in front of the camera to put together a little battery of hip mobility exercises to keep you moving well

Lateral Hip Strength

Lateral hip strength is a key to being strong on your feet and keeping a lot of different potential injuries at bay. Being strong through the hips is an excellent preventative measure against tendon problems, lower back pain and can help you tolerate increases in exercises like walking and running.

Sam has donned the headband again to give you 4 simple exercises to injury proof your hips.

Lower Back and Hip Stretching

With lots of sitting and prolonged postures, we can all get a bit stiff. Continuing on with our series of strength and stretching work, Sam has suited up again for a couple of lower back and hip mobility exercises. Enjoy!

Nerve Gliding

Nerve gliding exercises are an excellent way to free up some of the tension and tightness we can all feel from time to time with increased static postures and increased exercise. Getting your nerves moving freely can have you feel like your Bruce Springsteen …. Not sure how that makes sense … ?Check the video out below …

Back Strengthening

As well as keeping mobile it’s important to keep your back strong. Sam has donned the exercise gear again to show off a few back strength exercises you can try at home.

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