GLA:D is an evidence based exercise and education program aimed at improving pain and function in people suffering from knee or hip osteoarthritis.

Originally developed in Denmark, GLA:D (Greater Living With Osteoarthritis in Denmark) is an evidence based 6 week program that has been proven to be effective in helping people manage hip or knee osteoarthritis.

Research from the GLA:D program in Denmark shows symptom progression reduces by up to 32%.

Other outcomes include less pain, reduced use of joint related pain killers, and less people on sick leave. GLA:D participants also reported high levels of satisfaction with the program and increased levels of physical activity 12 months after starting the program.

This program is unique in that the education and exercises provided can be applied to everyday activities. By strengthening and correcting daily movement patterns, participants will train their bodies to move properly, prevent symptom progression and reduce pain.

See below for a brief description of what is involved in the GLA:D Program.

Initial Assessment – We see you in the clinic to discuss your current situation and undertake 2 tests that are used to help develop your individualised GLA:D program

Exercise Sessions – The program involves 6 weeks of exercise classes that run for 1 hour, 2 times per week. These sessions are run in small groups with your GLA:D trained physiotherapist

Education Sessions – Throughout the program we run 2 education sessions aimed at helping you understand and manage your osteoarthritis

Final Assessment – 3 months after your initial assessment you will return to the clinic for a final assessment where we discuss how you have progressed since the program started and reassess the 2 functional tests from the initial assessment to measure your progress.

To find out more, head to

To book in for the GLA:D program with us, give our reception team a call on (08) 8271 4122

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